Parking lots are more than just spaces to park vehicles; they're the first impression customers get of a business. That's why maintaining clear, visible parking lot striping is key for safety and appeal of your property. 

We at Toro Striping are experts in full range parking lot striping maintenance. Our services ensure your property’s face looks neat and crisp. From restriping faded lines to applying protective seal coating, our team is all geared-up and ready to handle all aspects of parking lot maintenance.


Our Parking Lot Striping Maintenance Service

Restriping and Line Painting

Over time, parking lot lines can fade due to weather and wear. Our restriping and line painting services bring back the vibrancy and clarity of your parking lot's lines, enhancing the overall safety and appearance of your property.


Stenciling services are essential for directing traffic flow and providing clear parking instructions. We offer a variety of stencils, including handicap symbols, no parking zones, and directional arrows, all designed to meet the latest regulations and ensure your parking lot is accessible and compliant.

Seal Coating

Seal coating not only improves your parking lot's appearance but also extends its lifespan by protecting against water damage, UV rays, and chemical spills. This preventative maintenance service is key to keeping your parking lot in top condition year-round.

The 5 Step Parking Lot Striping Maintenance Process

Let's make your parking lot shine and safe. Here’s our simple yet effective process:


First, we take a good look at your parking lot. We spot all the places that need a touch-up or repair, making sure we know exactly what needs to be done to make it look brand new.


Next, we clean it up really well. This step is super important because it helps the new paint stick better and last longer. We get rid of all the dirt and grime, preparing the lot for a fresh makeover.


Before we start painting, we fix any cracks or holes. This makes sure the surface is totally smooth and ready for striping. This prep work is key to making sure the finished job not only looks great but lasts longer.

Striping and Stenciling

Now, we get down to painting. We redraw all the lines and add any needed symbols, like for handicap spots or no parking zones. Our team is careful to make every line sharp and every symbol clear.

Seal Coating

The last step is sealing it all in. This sealant protects your new lines from weather, wear and tear, and spills. It’s the best way to keep your parking lot looking good for as long as possible.

Why Choose Us for Parking Lot Striping Maintenance

Here’s why we're the top choice for making your parking lot the best it can be:

Expertise and Reliability

With our years of experience, Toro Striping is the team you can count on. We’re all about providing top-notch service and making sure the job is done right.

High-Quality Materials

We only use the best stuff for the job. Our paints and sealants are chosen to make your lot look its best and stand up to heavy use.

Customized Solutions

We get that every parking lot is different. That’s why we tailor our services to fit your exact needs, making sure we meet all your requirements and expectations.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We’re not just doing a job; we’re making sure you’re totally happy with the results. We aim for excellence in every project, and your satisfaction is our number one priority.

Communities We Serve

We proudly offer our services to,

  • Corona
  • Palm Desert Areas
  • San Diego, Temecula
  • Indio
  • Riverside County

Call us at
949-835-6110 to inquire if we serve your area.

Let us help you make the best first impression with your property. Call us at 949-835-6110 or drop an email at to learn more about how we can serve your needs and keep your parking lot looking its best.

Contact Form on Asphalt Parking Lot Line Striping page

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Parking Lot Striping Maintenance Service

  • 1. How often do I need to redo my parking lot lines?

    You should plan on redoing your parking lot lines every 1 to 2 years. This keeps them easy to see and your lot safe and tidy.

  • 2. Why bother with parking lot striping?

    Well-marked lines help everyone know where to drive and park, making your lot safer. They also make sure you follow laws for parking spaces, like those for disabled parking, and make your property look more professional.

  • 3. What kind of paint do you use?

    We use special traffic paint that's tough and can last a long time, even with a lot of cars driving over it and all kinds of weather.

  • 4. How long does it take to stripe a parking lot?

    The time it takes can vary. It depends on how big your lot is and what work you need done. We try to do it quickly so it doesn't interrupt your business too much.

  • 5. Can you work on big parking lots?

    Yes, we can work on any size of parking lot, from a small shop to a big shopping center, making sure each job gets just the right amount of care.

  • 6. Do you make sure the parking spaces meet legal requirements?

    Yes, we always make sure your parking spaces meet all legal requirements, including those for disabled parking, to make sure your lot is accessible to everyone.

  • 7. Will rain mess up the striping?

    Rain can delay things since the paint needs to dry on a dry surface. We keep an eye on the weather to pick the best time to work.

  • 8. Besides drawing lines, what else do you offer?

    We also do stenciling, seal coating, and more to keep your parking lot looking great and working well.

  • 9. How can I get an estimate?

    Just give us a call or send us an email. We'll talk about what you need and give you a detailed estimate based on your lot's size and condition.

  • 10. Where do you offer your services?

    We work in many areas, including Corona, the Palm Desert, San Diego, and more. If you're in these places and need our help, we're ready to get to work.

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